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Time your launch appropriately. The
timing of your launch can drastical-
ly influence the success or failure of
your idea. Ensure you are not rush-
ing your idea to market by dedicat-
ing the appropriate amount of time
to thinking and researching to avoid
potential pitfalls. With many fast-
paced industries, it is also vital not
to delay the launch too far to when
you have missed your opening to
launch. Technologies and news
stories are updated and advanced
daily, and if you launch an outdated
idea, you may miss your opportu-
nity to expand.
Make sure to pay attention to
current industry news when consider-
ing the timing of a launch, as it can be
difficult to break through the clutter of
constantly shifting news and be heard.
Utilize the appropriate outlets to
release your idea to position your-
self for success. Make sure you are
reaching your audience by under-
standing their interactions with in-
dustry news and preferred outlets. If
your company operates social media
accounts on Facebook, Twitter or
Pinterest, take advantage of these
free communication outlets by post-
ing and interacting with your social
media customers while growing
your customer base.
Ensure you invest the appropri-
ate amount of time and effort into your
strategy prior to launching an idea to
grow your business. Oftentimes the
difference between a successful idea
and a poor one is all in the approach.
Nancy Harris is vice president and general
manager for
Nancy is responsible for
driving the strategic and product direction
for Sage 50 Accounting—Canadian Edi-
tion and oversees key functional areas in-
cluding sales and marketing and research
and development. A primary focus of her
role is strengthening relationships with
and cultivating an exceptional customer
experience for Sage’s small business cus-
tomers, partner channels, accountants and