Page 88-89 - CIO_JULY_2013

Canadians, biting into a President’s Choice The Decadent Chocolate
Chip cookie is like remembering their childhood. Like no other product on the market, PC’s
The Decadent Chocolate Chip cookie stands out as a unique Canadian treat delighting consumers for
To celebrate this monumental anniversary, CIO spoke with
Ian Gordon, Senior Director, Brands,
to find out all about why PC products, and in particular, “the” cookie, have stood the test of time.
What have PC products done for the Canadian food market and why are they so successful?
The original PC products were actually no name products that Dave Nichol felt were really out-
standing, that no one had seen before and that’s why they were called “the President’s choice.” For
instance, 25 years ago there was really only one type of mustard. But when PC came out with its Dijon
mustard it meant that there was choice—a product that was different and new and different.
Now, there’s a four foot mustard section in the condiment aisle. This is how PC has changed the
Canadian marketplace; we’ve changed what food choice is all about.
The brand is about discovery for consumers. PC has been bringing new and innovative products
to the Canadian marketplace for over 25 years. We are the largest consumer packaged goods brand in
Canada, and this is because the brand has the ability to be trusted by the consumer and create a great
food experience.
How has PC been able to set new trends for grocery choice?
Most recently with our Black Label line we are bringing spices and products that the consumer
probably wouldn’t have tried before. But they trust the brand and decide to get into it now—and the
result is flavours that reward their trust.
We have seen the existence of specialty food stores growing. We can offer similar products as
those stores at a better value, so people don’t have to go to those specialty shops. When it comes to
our criteria for Black Label, we want to make sure that when somebody tries a Black Label product
they one of two reactions: ‘Wow I’ve never tasted anything like that before’ or ‘wow that’s the best
I’ve ever tasted.’
How has PC responded to health trends over the years? Especially when it comes to your des-
sert line?
There’s always a place for indulgence. We have our core offering of desserts but we also have 300
products on our Blue Menu which is about giving the consumer healthier choices in those indulgence
categories. Our brand is about giving choice. If a consumer wants indulgence they can eat our new