Page 26-27 - CIO_June_2014

house functions, while also improving
our system controls and reporting.”
The company has always been
competitive with pricing, but has not,
like many other manufacturers, sacri-
ficed quality in favour of pricing—by
going overseas for finished products.
This has made all the difference. “We
have worked on pricing for major ac-
counts, but have never done so at the
expense of good manufacturing,” he
comments. “We want to maintain a
made-in-Canada product.” This means
that sometimes, the company will lose
business. But old business is always
replaced with new. The company did
some major restructuring in 2012 to
accommodate losing a large client, but
is seeing new business from retailers
who see the value in having the high-
est quality product. The company is
expecting to add a large retail account
this year.
Our strategy is going to remain
the same going forward,” Carroll
says. “We try to get across that we’re
more than price, we’re about quality.
We’re more about service. We are pro-
active with our client and that won’t
Last year, Carroll became a part-
ner in the business. The company in-
vested in a new public image with a
new website last year as well, and the
management team is determined to
stay at the forefront.
For more information on Decor Grates
Ralph & Tiki