Page 46-47 - CIO_Novemeber_2014

canadian industry Online - NOVEMBER 2014
I discovered a great group of
people 5 years ago and they have been
personally growing themselves ever
since. it is in the spirit of this group of
people to make the best of the situa-
tion that arises.
Even though a small business is
sometimes a very demanding and en-
vironment, it is also a very rewarding
and stimulating environment.
Our people are accountable for
results. They have to show results and
assume their own responsibilities. It
creates a stimulating environment for
those capable people. I could also add
they have a great team spirit and are
dedicated to their company. And the
communications are open with all em-
ployees who represent an outstanding
and friendly workforce.
How does the company
consider the environment in manufac-
The situation is actually pretty
tough. As Canadians we all know
the decline of the dollar over the last
decade has taken a lot of the profits
away of those exporting manufactur-
ers. Even though machinery and goods
imported are cheaper, revenues melted
like snow under the sun. It has boosted
What are the key milestones
the company hopes to achieve in the
next three to five years?
Three to five years is a long
way, but I would say we will push the
production system way farther and
hopefully realize some more equip-
ment improvements within one or two
years. That shall position us favorably
for the future.
Key messages for future
Alliance St-Laurent serves
the distributors in the Canadian and
American markets and provides de-
pendable and personalised service. We
are among the best quality and cost
ratios and the best is yet to come!
How is the company in-
volved in the local community?
The company is very sensitive
to the community and the environ-
ment, and is adopting best practices.
We also are a member of the
groupment of large manufacturing
businesses of Madawaska” trying to
put resources in common to develop
our industries and the community by
sharing best business practices, and
working in cooperation with the edu-
cation network and other organisms.
Finally we have a charity policy
allowing small donations to some com-
munity projects or activities based on
our values and priorities.